Butler Hospital Research Studies

A Longitudinal EMA Study (PACES)

Written by Butler Hospital | May 23, 2024

A Longitudinal EMA Study Examining the Role of Maternal Mood and Physical Symptoms on Women’s Cannabis Use Across the Perinatal Period (a.k.a. PACES)

What is the Cannabis EMA Study?

The purpose of this study is to examine factors that relate to cannabis use and cravings during pregnancy and postpartum.  

Why is the study important?

The purpose of our research study is to learn more about what factors are associated with cannabis cravings and use during pregnancy and postpartum.

Who qualifies for the study?

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria:
  • 18+ years old
  • Up to 16 weeks pregnant
  • Used cannabis at least twice weekly in the three months before pregnancy
  • Own a smartphone

What will I need to do if I qualify for the study?

Once enrolled, this study involves:
  • In-person baseline interview where, if eligible, we will ask you to download an app on your smartphone.
  • Answering questions on the app several times a day, for a few days in a row, at different times during the study.
  • Follow-up interviews when you are 24 and 34 weeks pregnant and 3 months postpartum. 

Will I be paid for participating in this study? 

Participants will be compensated up to $695 for completing all assessments and responding to all prompts on the app.

*There is no cost to participate in the study.

How do I enroll in the study?

To participate in the study:
  • Call (401) 455-6303 to see if you are eligible.
  • Participate in a brief call to determine a baseline assessment.

Principal Investigators: 

  • Cynthia L. Battle, PhD
    Clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychiatry & Human Behavior 
    Brown University
  • Ana Abrantes, Ph.D. 
    Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
    Brown University
    Co-director Behavioral Medicine and Addictions Research, director of psychology
    Butler Hospital
  • Michael Stein, MD
  • Leslie Brick, Ph.D. 
    Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
    Brown University
  • Jane Metrick, Ph.D
    Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences 
    Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior 
    Brown University
  • Adam Lewkowitz, MD, MPHS
    Assistant Professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
    Brown University