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Butler Hospital Research Studies

Share your story of living well with chronic pain! Inspire others and join our video series to help create hope and conn...
Join the Women's Yoga -Based Healing Study in Providence, RI, and explore stress reduction, improved mood, and pain reli...
ALLFTD is a multisite research project aimed at understanding the changes in brain function that occur as a result of fr...
Learn about the Janssen ReTain Trial, a Phase 2b study evaluating a tau-targeting therapy for cognitive decline in 498 p...
The purpose of the Cannabis EMA Study is to examine factors that relate to cannabis use and cravings during pregnancy an...
We want to compare two treatments for depression, yoga-focused and talk therapy called behavior activation.
We are looking at how thoughts and emotions change during depression treatment.
The purpose of the AHEAD study is to determine if the investigational medication, BAN2401, is superior to a placebo in t...
This study is testing whether the excitement of specific brain regions can change cravings for opioids in individuals wh...
The Core Features study will utilize interviews, self-report questionnaires, computerized tasks, and magnetic resonance ...
This study is investigating the brain regions responsible for inhibitory control, and whether these regions can be chang...
Project AIM's purpose is to learn more about the brain circuitry and biological mechanisms involved in the development a...
The Neurodegeneration-Associated Psychiatric Syndromes (NAPS) study is an observational study to look at how dementia (s...
The Yoga MAT Study is testing a yoga intervention that is 12 weeks of online yoga classes for people with chronic pain w...
Researchers are conducting a study examining a women's decision to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or booster shot while preg...