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Get Walking for Better Brain Health: Favorite RI Walking Trails




News from the Memory and Aging Program at Butler Hospital

July 23, 2021


Daily physical activity has been shown to be an important factor in maintaining brain health, so make sure you get moving each day. A daily walk or even a regular weekend hiking habit is a great way to do this. Here are some favorite Rhode Island area walking trail suggestions from the Memory and Aging Program (MAP) team...


Memory and Aging Program Nurse Practitioner Brittany Dawson on the beach with her son at the Newport Cliff Walk



MAP Nurse Practitioner Brittany Dawson recommends the Cliff Walk in Newport as a favorite spot to get in some steps. Map out your own route at cliffwalk.com. (Pictured: Dawson taking a break on the beach with her son during one visit to the Cliff Walk.)





MAP Nurse Lisa Williams recommends Ocean View Loop Trail in Newport, RI. Check it out and get walking! 



MAP Outreach Manager Tara Tang and her family have several favorite local walking trails that she recommends:
Blue Hills Reservation in Milton, MA
Lincoln Woods in Cumberland, RI
Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown, RI
alz-walkHere's a great walking trail recommendation from the entire Memory and Aging Program team - Roger Williams Park Conservancy in Providence, RI. The team has loved walking the park's trails during the Alzheimer's Association Rhode Island Chapter Walk to End Alzheimer's each September! (Pictured: MAP Outreach Coordinator Athena Lavoie, second from left, and Research and Operations Manager Bill Menard, third from left, along with their families at the 2019 Walk to End Alzheimer's at the park.) 
Want more trails to explore? Check out ExploreRI's Rhode Island Trail Finder website



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