Celebrating and Supporting Survivors of Addiction
Addiction is a formidable opponent. But it can be overcome. That is proven every day in our Addiction Intensive and Outpatient programs, where addiction patients become addiction survivors. Every survival story is different, but at the root of them all, there is one common driving force: hope.
Hope is why our patients fight every day for a better life. Hope is why our providers dedicate their lives to helping our patients on that path, and hope is why those who donate to our program choose to extend a helping hand.
A Masterpiece of Hope is normally an annual event held to support Butler Hospital’s critical programs. This year it had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, just as the effects of the pandemic on mental health have made those programs all the more important. Here, Butler Hospital President and COO Mary Marran shares insight into the role that hope plays in overcoming life’s challenges – whether it be a mental health or addiction struggle, or the stress of living through a pandemic – and how we can help one another by offering support.
Rose McClarnon, DNP, RN has been caring for patients at Butler Hospital in Providence for 12 years, the last four as nurse director of the Alcohol and Drug Inpatient Unit. It’s a role that has given her a unique and valuable perspective on the disease of addiction, including one incredibly important insight.
“If my life was a script, I would never have thought it would have taken a turn in that direction.” So says Michael, a former patient of the Alcohol and Drug Addictions Inpatient Unit at Butler Hospital, when thinking about how he came to be an addict in his early twenties. Now ten years sober, he could apply the same observation to how far his life’s script has flipped back in the other direction. Here’s why he says he was able to turn his life around.
Kevin E. Baill, MD, is the Medical Director of Outpatient Services and Chief of Addiction Services at Butler Hospital. Here, he shares a very personal story along with his thoughts on why guilt and shame don’t drive change – hope does.
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