When a loved one is struggling with drug abuse and alcohol addiction, it can be a long and draining journey. Often things can get so overwhelming, that you may reach a point when you feel ignoring the person and their situation is the only solution you have left.
However, ignoring can cause more problems and damage to you, your loved ones, and more significantly - the person battling addiction. It might be painful, but what is crucial is you take your time while encouraging the person to get help.
Understanding Drug Addiction
To be helpful you must first understand what drug addiction is. Understand that several factors may have led a person to drugs, such as; curiosity, numbing emotional pain, athletic performance improvement, and peer influence.
Drug addiction is never about the number of times someone does drugs, but rather why the person seeks these drugs to begin with. Also, not everyone who uses drugs will end up being an addict. Being an addict depends on the individual.
Some of the risk factors that lead to an increased likelihood of addiction are:
- Addiction in the family history
- Neglect, traumatic experiences, abuse, and more
- Mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety

Tips On How You Can Help Someone Struggling with Addiction
After understanding addiction, you will need some guidelines on how to help a loved one. This person needs to be directed toward the proper treatment, encouraged, and most of all loved and supported during their recovery journey.
That said, here are five (5) tips on how to care for people struggling with addiction.
1. Empathize Through Educating Yourself About Addiction
It’s important to know what addiction is, who is an addicted person, and the symptoms of addiction. Only then can you recognize addiction symptoms in your loved one and understand what they are going through. Learning about addiction helps you better understand your loved one's disease, and what they are going through, which is the first step to helping them.
2. Offering Your Support
Most addicts fail to see how much they are loved. Try to show them how much you care about them and are willing to support them. Let them know you are willing to go above and beyond to see to it their recovery is successful and lasting.
3. Encouraging The Person to Get Help
Like any other disease, the earlier addiction is noted and treated, the better. Be persistent with your loved one about the importance of seeking the appropriate help.
Also, do it in a way that they won't feel ashamed, or guilty. You can also employ the assistance of an intervention specialist who will help you navigate the process.
4. Support your loved one in the recovery process
When your loved one agrees to treatment and perhaps even medication, you must continue supporting their recovery efforts. Support may come in various forms, including displaying care, going to meetings, or even introducing them to support groups. Assure them you are there for them every step of the way.
5. Taking Care of Yourself
It is not easy to manage your own life while helping someone suffering from an addiction. It is essential to remember you need to take care of yourself first, before being able to care for someone else. Ensure your own needs are met; exercise often, eat well, and take care of your mental health.
Finding Help for Addiction
If you are in the Rhode Island area and want to help a loved one along their journey to recovery, reach out to us and our team of experienced specialists.
The range of services for substance use disorders at Butler Hospital is dedicated to treating and supporting people throughout this recovery journey. Call the Behavioral Health Service Call Center, available 24/7 at: 1 (844) 401-0111.
Disclaimer: The content in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and should not serve as medical advice, consultation, or diagnosis. If you have a medical concern, please consult your healthcare provider, or seek immediate medical treatment.
If you are in the Rhode Island area and want to help a loved one along their journey to recovery, reach out to us and our team of experienced specialists.